
What are some tips for the selection of wedding?

Wedding in Changsha, Changsha best wedding company, Burson-Marsteller wedding etiquette teach you the following 13 points and a better understanding of the wedding, deeper and know their own needs.
1 floor of wedding photography wedding photographs optional clothing generally wedding dress, Chinese, costume, Korean, and Japanese.Clothing is not more than 5 kinds of the general election, many of these were shot too tired, and one day is not necessarily finished shooting!
2, wedding photography floor, clothing is generally divided into the VIP area and common area! To see if you want good, plus how much money to ask? Generally at least a good set, it is best to think of a way to let them add money!
3 how to figure out the indoor, outdoor clothing sub?
4, the total number of pieces of clothing (men, women, a few pieces)? Sometimes the men would be less best with Ms. quantity. There wanted to make sure if you want to add the money back plus clothing?
5, groom types of clothing styles, additional rent? If you rent a fare increase costs how much?
6, the date of the wedding dress fitting. The number of pre-set wedding dress down in the contract, taking pictures that day can not get a predetermined dress, wedding photography floor how compensation? Try, men and women together to wear out in the contract must Apparel number.
7, try to make a final confirmation before a few numbers? Can I try on the dress to the camera to take pictures? Generally is not enough, but they can steal with camera phones and small cameras that can be invisible.
8, try on the wedding dress to remember to ask for the entire set of gloves, jewelry (necklace, veil), while the dress after I selected wedding photography shop can not receive under any reason to reject my dress or replace other dress.
Clothing increases (designer / new clothes / dress cleaning fee), will fare under what circumstances, increase the number? Best stated clothing at no additional cost
10, the possibility of replacement of the dress? Whether such increases or Fuqing Jie fee? Best states to replace the garment without any additional costs (similar)
11, location wedding photography dress into the water? Whether the need increases or Fuqing Jie fee?
12, clearly not find the dress I want how to do? Dress do not wear my appointment to how to do? Solution to compensate for the losses? Are clearly written in the contract!
13, when the wedding dress desirable pieces? Such as the selection of the dress was stained before pickup, wedding photography company how to deal with? When do I need to be returned?

